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Topbestcart Features

Extremely rich e-commerce platform

Behind the beautiful interface, Topbestcart is an extremely rich publishing platform. Here you can find an exhaustive list of all the things the Topbestcart platform can do!


Back office

Multi-language and multi-currency
Supports more than 40 languages worldwide, default Chinese and English files, other languages can be translated and loaded as needed. Language packs are independent of the system, so it is extremely easy to install, uninstall, disable and modify them.
Unlimited Content
Create unlimited categories and subcategories and assign products to them. Unlimited products - if you want to sell 1 item or millions of products, it's ok, the system will support you!
instrument panels
Total Orders, Total Orders, Total Customers, Total Online Customers, Order Map Distribution, Sales Chart, User Activity, Latest Orders
Statistical analysis
Analysis of sales, statistics on the payment of freight during a certain period of time, statistics on the effect of marketing activities, sales, statistics on product browsing, statistics on product purchases, statistics on online customers, statistics on customer purchases, statistics on customer balances, analysis of marketing activities, and analysis of statistics on joining members.
User Group Management
In order to successfully manage an online store you need to work with a number of people, each of whom can play a different role and be assigned permissions for the corresponding department; the system allows you to set up users and groups of users with individual access to the corresponding functional modules.
Commodity management
Commodity options management, such as: color, size, etc. can be flexibly added to the configuration, commodity type SKU, a series of different types of commodity SKU management, commodity parameter management, the description of the parameters of the commodity accessories, commodity unit management, weight unit, length unit, etc.
Marketing management
Marketing campaign settings, tracking the effect of the campaign goods discount promotions, can be in accordance with the membership level of the coupon management gift certificates sent to manage the bulk purchase discount price
Advanced Filtering Functions
Product price, brand, attributes or options for quick filtering, the background can be more appropriate to show which conditions to customers, the background configuration of the foreground whether to display a series of sub-products, the series of sub-products will be filtered to display a different series of products
payment method
Alipay, netbank payment, UnionPay, wechat payment, balance payment domestic mainstream payment methods, in addition to the international popular paypal, strip and other global more than 50 kinds of payment methods, support for overseas wechat and overseas paypal overseas acquiring
Order Details
Display various status of orders: pending payment orders, shipped orders, completed orders, returned orders, etc. Order details: consignee information, delivery and payment methods, complimentary merchandise purchase, invoice information, order notes, product lists
Sent by the administrator to the customer, the customer can automatically recognize the use of purchasing goods; do marketing can also be a digital string form, the customer with the code input, the settlement can be deducted part of the purchase price.
Distribution Function (Affiliate Membership)
Affiliates have access to a website marketing code that generates special links through which other customers can access the mall, and affiliates receive a gratuity for orders generated from purchases.
You can set the product or page pseudo-static way, link long-tail word customization, including META, keyword, description, tags, product subtitle, site structure is clear, there is a site MAP map, friendly to crawlers!
Shopping Guide
Transaction terms, shopping process, member introduction, integral description, order status, coupon use, FAQ, contact customer service, large electric appliances; Delivery methods: pick-up, express transportation, online payment
Image Management
Supports batch uploading, batch deleting, and image name modification.
advertising management
Home slideshow management, image management, link management ad position management, ad image management
Page layout
Layout settings are available for product list page, product detail page, account center, brand list page, brand detail, product classification, product comparison, product search, newest products, and special offer products.
Membership Management
Member add, search, modify, delete, lock; member level management and shipping address add modify delete and other rewards score control, can be based on the level to give different commodity prices
Merchant Order Management
Manage merchant's orders, pending payment, paid, unpaid and returned orders, and manage multiple order returns for the same user.
Functional module
Flexibility to enable, disable modules, modules can be laid out as needed Module title can be defined, recommended products, the latest product title can be customized
Product Review Ratings
Customer product reviews are one of the most important factors in triggering a customer's decision to buy or not to buy, and the system comes with a powerful integrated review scoring system.
Logistics costs
Complex calculation of shipping costs by weight, region, customer group, volume, etc. Setting of fixed shipping costs, free delivery, per-piece billing, UPS, delivery by weight, pick-up at the store
Maintenance Upgrade Tips
When the website maintenance, stop the service, customers visit the site when a friendly prompt site is a maintenance period, soon after the normal open use.

Front desk (basic)

Product Showcase
Top Category Navigation, Left Category, Brand Specialty, Recommended Products, Hot Products, New Products, Special Offer, Promotional Products, Product Seconds
Width of lantern strip
Home page banner ads can be rotated to play in any position on the home page can be configured banner ads
Product Search
Site-wide product search, support name, keywords, tags, description search
Sorting of query results
Includes sorting by sales, by name, by price, and by rating to help customers find the right items
Product Details
You can see the product name, model, price, discount price, product options, product multiple images, image magnifier product specifications, product details, related products
Product Options Picture
Options can be defined picture, multiple options combined into one product, you can quickly select different options
Put the products you have purchased on the website into the shopping cart, you can check the products you want to buy, you can change the number of products you have purchased, and you can delete the products in the shopping cart.
Product Options
Product size allows users to choose large, medium, small, color options such as what to choose, each element of the custom product is set up in the background and can be adjusted, the final price for each element of the price sum of the total!
Product Rating
Purchasing customers can star the product, add comments, order comments sunshine, can be in the product page to consult the message to the back office, the back office can reply and display in the front-end
Advanced Screening
Commodity price, brand, attributes or options for quick screening, the background can be more circumstances to show which conditions to the customer background configuration of the foreground whether to display a series of sub-commodities, will be a series of sub-commodities for filtering, displaying different series of products
Merchandise checkout
Shipping address flexibility to increase the choice, shipping method selection, freight automatically calculated, payment method selection, shipping address support domestic and overseas
Payment method
Alipay, netbank payment, UnionPay, wechat payment and balance payment domestic mainstream payment methods, in addition to the international popular paypal, strip and other global more than 50 kinds of payment methods to support the overseas wechat and overseas paypal overseas acquiring
No Delivery Fee
Free delivery after a certain amount of purchase.
Multiple modes of transportation
Fixed shipping, free delivery, per piece, UPS, delivery by weight, pick up in store
Address information
Member shipping information and contact information to add and edit, a customer can add multiple shipping address and consignee shipping address can be added to the overseas address
Account balance
Administrators can set the balance in the user account, customers with the balance can be in the mall for consumption against cash, customers can also be recharged through their own account balance
Bonus points
Users purchase goods, the customer gets the corresponding points, the amount of points can be set by the backstage
By setting the special price in the background, you can display the original price in the front-end price column, after the discounted price
Wholesale Offer
Different tiered prices when purchasing 2 or more items
Mobile Browser Adaptation
Suitable for mobile browsers and can be adapted to any mobile device

Customized Functions

The banner module is a very simple and effective way to display images in the store, banners support icon and text overlays with several design options such as banner background, zoom image on hover, border, border radius, shadow, grayscale
Block module
The block module makes it very easy to add any HTML content to your site. You can add a single block that spans the entire width of your site, or you can add multiple blocks grouped together in a grid!
Slideshow is a very advanced slider module whose main purpose is to display banner images with advanced captions (images, text, video). If you need a slider in boxed or full-angle mode and a nice animation of the main slideshow and captions
Image archive
The Album module allows you to display photos in an adaptive lightbox with full touch and swipe support. You can display thumbnails on any page in a grid format or in a customizable rotating mode!
Information block
The Info Block module makes it easy to add simple text content to your site. You can add a single piece of text that spans the entire width of the site, or you can add multiple blocks of text that are grouped together in a grid
The newsletter module allows you to quickly collect email addresses and store them for later use. Modules can be added to any layout in any location, including the footer
Contact form
Using the Contact Form module, you can create rich forms with virtually any type of field. You can use this module to replace the default contact form with a more complete form, adding and removing fields as needed!
The "Header" module allows you to create a header title that can be used to add a specific header before other modules.
With the "Button" module, you can create a button that can be used in different locations to call actions near other modules.
Grid module
The Grid module is the page builder interface for adding rows/columns within another column in other page builders, thus allowing for more complex layout structures
The Recommendations module allows you to add customer recommendations with specific design options, control module background, fill, module border/border radius and set to Auto, Start, Center or End.
Product Showcase
Using the Products module you can display products in different formats (grid/list/rotate). You can select exactly which products to display by using predefined product rules or by specifying advanced rules.
Category module
The Category module allows you to display categories in different formats (grid/list/rotate). You can display a specific category or all categories or subcategories of a specific category, and you can also choose how the product section is displayed (blocks, tabs or accordions).
Filter module
Filter module is advanced Ajax product filtering system to filter products by price, category, brand, options and attributes, Filter module can be used for category type layout in the following positions (category, manufacturer, search, special)
Accordion Menu
The Accordion Menu module allows you to define menus with submenus using the accordion display
icon menu
The Icon Menu module allows you to add icon menus
Blog Posts
Blog Posts module allows you to display products in different formats (grid/list/rotate). You can use predefined blog post rules to precisely select the products to be displayed
Blog Categories
The Blog Categories module allows you to display the blog categories defined in the store
Blog comment
The Blog Comments module allows you to display the latest blog comments from your blogs
Notification Module
The Header Notifications module enables you to display header notifications at the top of your store, which contain different messages or cookie notifications, etc., as part of a special module
The notification module can be used for any message, such as cookie notifications, special promotions or any other important text
Pop-up window Pop
The Popup Module is a multi-purpose, multi-language modal window that can display promotional messages or any other content (images, text, video, HTML, etc.) on any page in the store. You can also display the press release module in the popup window, as well as optional call-to-action buttons!
Bottom Menu
The Bottom Menu module allows you to add a fixed bottom menu that is typically used on mobile devices
Side menu
The Side Menu module allows you to add a fixed icon based side menu to the side of the window.
Product Labeling
Product labels allow custom labels to be added to predefined or custom product sets
Extra button
Can be used on product pages and product lists (grid/list view), up to two buttons can be activated at the same time
Additional Modules
It provides maximum control and flexibility for any layout module to be added to the details area of the product page.
Product Tags
Use the "Product Tags" module to create product pages with predefined content such as (descriptions, specifications, reviews).
Static resources
Static assets can be served via cookie-less domains to reduce network payload and speed up page views


24/7 telephone support
Phone and email support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and all members of the customer service team are employees of our office and usually respond to requests for help within approximately 5 minutes
Topbestcart Help Center
Topbestcart Help Center - Topbestcart offers an extensive knowledge base of detailed help guides, videos and workshops. To browse the Help Center, visit
Live Chat Support
Live Chat Support - Topbestcart offers live chat support between 8am and 8pm CST and 24/7 email support!

Content ownership

Content ownership
Topbestcart is open source and free. Open source means transparency, open code and community vision, and free means we give you the option to modify, share and edit Topbestcart for your project!
No ads
While you can advertise or monetize your site if you wish, we do not sell or serve ads on your content. Your website is yours
Privacy protection
Topbestcart has a simple subscription business model and has been profitable for over a decade. We don't sell your data

Search Engine Optimization

SEO Optimization Framework
Topbestcart has been publishing websites on the Web for more than a decade, including all known best practices for SEO, and has unique experience in SEO optimization in this industry!
Indexable and searchable
Topbestcart generates pages with clean HTML markup that are easily indexed by search engines.
Page title
- You have complete control over the order of page headings, including the ability to create different heading schemes for the home page, project pages and favorite pages.
Automatic Google Sitemaps
Automatically generate and link a proper sitemap.xml which will enumerate every URL on your site with appropriate priority for perfect indexing even if you are using a Javascript heavy template
We automatically generate the correct robots.txt, link your sitemap, and exclude any error pages/links
Auto tag
Images contain proper ALT and TITLE tags for improved search engine indexing. Tags are automatically generated for all meta tags LINK>RSS feeds for pages and pages. Image captions are correctly converted to ALT tags
Canonical mark
生成适当的rel=canonical 标签,以确保当内容存在于多个URL时,搜索引擎会选择您网页的正确版本
Clean URLs
All major pages on the websites we develop contain clean URLs that are easy to index and read.
site analysis
Google Analytics is currently free for iOS and Android devices and shows site visits, sales, popular content, and more

Development of customized

