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SEO optimization

SEO optimization

Continuous traffic, so that global buyers can find you easily


Overseas Localization Promotion

Google Google Search Engine Optimization

We are committed to providing enterprises with the latest solutions for Google SEO technology technology to meet the Google crawler and ranking algorithms, content to attract users readers

Customer Trusted Choice
Rise in monthly customer traffic
Natural traffic conversion rate increase
Client Ranking Improvement

SEO Optimization Solutions

Targeting the presentation issues faced by brands, one by one. Improve brand presentation and increase business conversion rate

01. Built a website but no traffic
→ Building efficient links
02. Traffic, but no conversions.
→ Whole site optimization for corporate websites
03. Optimized to rank poorly
→ Use of technical means to optimize keywords
04. No accumulation of branding after years of doing it
→ Enhance the brand image to show comprehensively
05. Offline is strong and online is weak
→ Attractive content leads to quality traffic
06. The brand is very big with no relevant reports
→ Building brand image to take the lead in the industry

SEO service optimization steps

Senior service team, so that each link tightly interlocked, refine each step you care about the results, we pay attention to the process!

01. In-depth research on products, users, markets and competitors
02. Site-wide keywords, strategic layout
03. Outbound Link Building and Content Marketing
04. Monthly reports to keep the process under control

Eight steps to SEO optimization

Services include tagging, internal link optimization, external link building, and content marketing. Professional foreign media team can provide you with multilingual article creation and content marketing services.

01. Website audit
Reviewing website content, optimizing speed, and eliminating potential technical hazards
02. On-site optimization
Optimize in-site page tags for search engine crawling
03. Competitor Analysis
Competitor analysis, from the traffic and keywords and other information in order to develop accurate promotion strategy.
04. Keyword Analysis
Researching suitable keywords and laying them out on the website in a reasonable manner
05. Page Optimization
Optimize website pages, tags and content to be more compliant with search engine crawling and ranking rules
06. In-site content output
Optimize for on-site content to make it more attractive
07. External soft copy output
Increase the weight of the company's website and brand awareness through the output of professional softwares
08. Effectiveness analysis
Monthly/quarterly analysis reports to provide a comprehensive understanding of the overall website data and natural search situation, as well as recommendations for improvement

Success Stories

Satisfactory strategy

01. Marketing Challenges

a, the domestic leading metal forming the whole industry chain can only equipment suppliers, but the official lack of product word layout has ranked the number of keywords is very small, the natural flow is not high.
b, the natural flow of users is not accurate, conversion difficulty.
02. 优化方案
a. On-site content strategy:
Layout of brand words and main product words in the home page, to promote the ranking, and purchase willingness to more obvious long-tailed words are laid out to the product category and details page to enhance the word coverage, all-around to reach the user.
b. Off-site content strategy:
Develop a suitable external link layout strategy, taking into account the quantity and quality to enhance the weight of the site, to promote keyword ranking.
03. Optimization effect
+210% Natural Traffic
+981% Total Exposure
+951% Clicks
01. Marketing Challenges

b. Natural users are not precise, bounce rate, user stay time and other user behavior data are not ideal, and the number of inquiries obtained is also very low.
02. Optimization solutions
a, keyword layout and on-site optimization:
Through the industry heat keyword research, screening out accurate industry words B keywords, reasonable layout to the relevance of the station page, through page optimization to enhance the relevance of the page and the keywords, from the reduction of the bounce rate, to enhance the ranking. b, external optimization:
In the high weight, high relevance of the external website layout and brand highly relevant quality content, enhance the brand's off-site exposure, but also for the official website to bring a large number of high-quality external links to enhance the weight of the official website.
03. Optimization effect
Natural Traffic +48%
Home Keyword Count +362%
Total Exposure +230%
Delivered everywhere
01. Marketing Challenges
a. Di Sifang's own brand awareness is already very high. The website mainly relies on the brand to obtain traffic, and the brand traffic has reached a bottleneck.
b. There are relatively few pages on the front end of the website, so the content carried is also very limited, and the traffic obtained is relatively limited.
02. Optimization solutions
a. Adjust the website structure: Clear results help search engines better index and help users quickly obtain the information they need, thereby improving user experience.
b. Standardize tag rules: According to Google crawling rules, optimize website tags, layout target keywords, increase keyword coverage density, and improve natural search rankings.
c. External optimization: Overseas media output more high-quality soft articles and external links to increase overseas visibility.
03. Optimization effect
Organic traffic revenue +112%
Non-paid traffic +11%
Organic search clicks +7%
Panda Novel
01. Marketing Challenges

a. Panda's official website is positioned as a free novel, with a high degree of competition, but at the same time, it is also a point of strength.
b, low brand awareness, received the optimization work when the site has not yet built.
c. Insufficient competitiveness, the website layout is rough, not novel enough, and there are few novels.
02. Optimization solutions

a. Adjustment of page differentiation: chapter differentiation, author page differentiation, novel detail page differentiation, rich presentation form to attract readers to stay.
b. Optimize website architecture: compare with competitors and make three revisions of the website.
c. Layout keywords: Capture users' search habits and adjust precise keywords to improve the number of clicks.
03. Optimization effect
Natural Traffic +317%
Clicks +49,500%
Exposure +422189

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